Make your User-defined CAMWorks Database

The intelligence behind CAMWorks machining automation is the Technology Database (TechDB). The Technology Database is shipped with data that is considered generally applicable to most machining environments. To gain full advantage of CAMWorks, you will want to modify this data and input additional knowledge that represents your expertise and your facility’s capabilities and machining methods. This knowledge can then be recalled and applied in CAMWorks to help automate and promote consistency in NC programming and machining.

Using TechDB, we can modify and customise,

  • Machines, strategies, tool crib
  • Tooling (cutters and holders)
  • Feeds and speeds

Machines, Strategies, Tool crib:

While programming the part, the first step is to define the type of machine to be used based on the part and process.

In TechDB we can modify, add, and delete the machine data and tool crib data for each type of machine based on the requirements.

CAMWorks Database

In this section, we can make modifications and changes to the strategies used to recognise the machining features. And the tool cribs can be modified based on customer requirements.

Tooling (Cutters and Holders):

In the Tooling tab, we can see three tabs: cutters, threading strategies, and holders.

Cutters are the tools that are used to machine the features. For each of the cutters i.e., tools, we can edit their properties and parameters as per the requirements. we can copy the data for use in other tools and can also delete the existing data.

Holders that are used to hold the tool or part can be modified or edited based on the requirements.

Feeds and Speeds:

Feeds and speeds data are among the main types of data used for machining a part in CNC. This data can be modified and edited in TechDB. In this option, default stock material data can be changed and updated.

Though CAMWorks is user-friendly and self-explanatory, we are here to help should you require assistance.

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