MaxxCAM – Quick Nesting with Maximum Material Utilisation

MaxxCAM – Optimize Material Utilization with Quick Nesting MaxxCAM nesting software features a powerful nesting engine equipped with dedicated algorithms for Punch, Profile, Punch/Shear, and more. These algorithms ensure maximum material utilization based on your specific requirements.

Nesting with MaxxCAM:

  1. Start a new nest job in MaxxCAM and add the parts you want to nest.
  2. Modify the quantity, rotation angle, priority, and bridge of each part as needed.
  3. In the assemblies tab, create a new assembly for the nest job.
  4. In the stock tab, add the required stocks based on material and quantity. Edit their attributes to customize settings such as Material, Thickness, Quantity, Priority, Margins, and Size.
    • You can even add irregularly shaped stocks and remnants from previous nests if necessary.
  5. Use the “Do nesting” icon or switch to the Pattern tab to initiate the nesting process.
    • Before nesting, check and modify the Nest settings according to your requirements.

Algorithms in MaxxCAM:

  • Ideal for jobs with large quantities of each part.
  •  Suitable for jobs with relatively small quantities of each part.
  •  Effective for parts of varying sizes and efficient packing into remaining spaces.
  • Common-line cutting: Places parts without gaps to allow single cuts on laser machines.
  •  A new algorithm that is three times quicker and offers higher material yield.

Once you have acceptable patterns, generate the code by clicking the NC code button. A sequencing option screen will appear, allowing you to choose post options, and your code will be generated.

For more information on MaxxCAM software and product inquiries, please visit us at or call us at +61 3 8618 6884.